Ultrafast Laser Mirrors | PP-UVFS-25.4-6.35-LLM334


Qty 5+ > €137,75/piece
Qty 10+ > €123,25/piece
Qty 20+ > €108,75/piece
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Material: UVFS
Diameter: 25.4 mm (+0/-0.1 mm)
Thickness: 6.35 mm (+/-0.1 mm)
Clear aperture: >90%
Surface Quality, S1: MIL 10/5 S/D
Surface Flatness, S1: <λ/10 @633 nm over CA
Coatings (IBS):
S1: HRs>99.8% + HRp>99.5% @ 257 nm AOI=45deg
S2: Stress Compensating Coating

LIDT: >0.2 J/cm² @ 258 nm, 300fs

IBS coated Ultrafast UV laser mirror for Yb:YAG IV harmonic with Enhanced lifetime technology.

Advantages of this product compared to other solutions in the market:
-Enhanced lifetime (over 10000h)
-Higher LIDT (>0.3 J/cm² @ 257 nm, 300fs)

The technology directly translates into lower maintenance costs and reduced downtime.

Products marked with this tag are SuperHero Tier products. They possess the best capabilities of OPTOMAN and make our R&D department proud.

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