Ultrafast Laser Mirrors | PP-UVFS-38.1-9.5-LLM96


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Only 6 pieces in stock!


Material: UVFS (Corning 7980 0F)
Diameter: 38.1 mm (+0/-0.1 mm)
Thickness: 9.5 mm (+/-0.1 mm)
Clear aperture: >90%
Surface quality, S1: 20-10 S-D
Surface flatness, S1: <λ/10@633 nm over 15 mm area
Surface 2: commercial polish
Parallelism: <5 arcmin
Protective chamfers: 0.3-0.5 mm x 45°
Chips: <0.3 mm

Coatings (IBS):
S1: HRp>99.99% @ 1025-1035 nm, AOI=45°
S2: uncoated

HRp>99.99% @ 1025-1035 nm

IBS coated Ultrafast Low Loss Laser Mirror for Yb:YAG I harmonic.

Products marked with this tag are SuperHero Tier products. They possess the best capabilities of OPTOMAN and make our R&D department proud.

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